“If you don’t look, you find.” - When Harry Met Sally. DVD commentary to the film
I am always amazed at the process of trying to find something. I have had times where I have ripped apart my entire house looking for it. I have frantically searched every single conceivable place for something and come up empty. So I give up the search and go back to my daily activities.
Then, as if by magic, hours later, I remember where I put the item. I wasn’t looking for it anymore but I found it. Other times, after giving up a search, I find it quiet by accident some time later.
My dad would always say, “It’s always the last place you look.” I never understood this saying. I always thought, “Of course it’s the last place you look because once you find it you stop looking.”
This quotation from the commentary of the film has a lot to say. I think it goes beyond the search for items. It might even deal with fate. I know that I have found things and gone places quite by accident, almost as if trying were counterproductive. I can’t explain it at all. That is why this quote deserves to be in this collection.
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