Monday, May 12, 2008

Choose Good

“Human nature dictates that each of us will always choose the “good” or “right” as we perceive the “good” or the “right”. It is impossible to do otherwise.”
- McKee, Robert. Story: Substance, Structure, Style, and the Principals of Screenwriting. ReganBooks: New York, 1997. pg 248

I don’t think that everyone always chooses to do the right thing. People make bad choices all the time. I know I have. And I always wonder what led me to make those seemingly bad decisions. Perhaps, it was simply, because at the time, I believed them to be the right choices.

I think that all we can do in this life is to evaluate or choices closely before we make the. This was we can be removed from time, just a little, so that we can understand just a little better, what exactly the right thing is to do.

I think that deep down inside we all know the difference between right and wrong.

Happy Monday Everyone!

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